Week 17 Bump Update
Welcome to my first ever Bump Update!
How far along? 17 weeks! The baby is the size of a pomegranate.
Total weight gain: Weighed in at 157 pounds this week. I started at 147 so that's 10 pounds overall, which I think is ok. My doctor weighed me two weeks ago and thought I was gaining a little too much weight but I'm not eating excessively and I'm exercising so .... whatever. Plus I haven't really gained in the last two weeks, hopefully I'll be the same weight when I see her next week.
Exercise: I think it’s so important to exercise during pregnancy. Basically you have nine months to prepare for this massive marathon undertaking of pushing out a baby. Why would you not work your body to make sure it’s in good shape to last through your birthing experience? This week I only went for one walk at lunch, but I did toning exercises on probably 4 or 5 days. Just a mix of some stuff on youtube, I can put some links up if you are interested in that. Some are pregnancy exercises, some aren't, then I just modify them. Also because my boobs have grown so much I've been getting upper back pain when I'm doing a lot of cooking or bending over so I've really been focusing on working my upper back muscles to help handle the extra load!
Maternity clothes: One of my friends was kind enough to give me a bunch of her old maternity clothes, which was pretty amazing, and I bought a couple more things at Destination Maternity. Two pairs of stretchy pants that are low cut in the belly (no annoying belly band, I found my stomach got really itchy when I wore maternity pants), three tank tops, and a dress. I've been wearing a lot of the maternity tops lately, just because it's a nice change from my normal clothes and I did wear maternity pants to work one day more because it was a novelty than I had to. Although my normal pants are starting to get a little tight! Even my jeans which I thought would last a while, they are ok to wear until I'm sitting and if i'm leaning forward at all it really crowds in on my belly.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Not great this week. I slept pretty ok over the weekend but then as soon as it came time to go back to work I was waking up during the night and staying awake, or just waking up and having to move to the spare bedroom - when I'm tired and haven't been sleeping well, even just loud breathing sometimes really irritates me. If I wake up during the night at all I'm kind of irritated so it doesn't take much to drive me crazy. Then this morning I woke up at 3:30 and I've been up ever since - just like last friday oddly enough. Plus the belly is starting to make it a little uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach sometimes which is annoying, but I guess I'll just have to get used to it. Or find a way to prop the rest of my body up with pillows so my tummy isn't pressing into the bed!
Best moment this week: Well, I thought this was pretty amazing. I feel like, I'm getting bigger and I'm getting a bit of a bump, but a lot of the time it looks like I could have just ate a lot and am sticking my belly out. So the other day I was laying on my back stretching and normally when I'm on my back my stomach goes concave, I never really noticed it this much before, but that day when I lay down after my ribs there was a little dip and then just a bump. I just thought it was the coolest thing, I could actually see where the Little Shipp was and feel it there.
Miss anything? My boobs! I know most women love that their boobs get bigger during pregnancy. But I don't! They were big enough to begin with! I'm having such a hard time finding a comfortable bra! I've bought 3 or 4 new ones already but they just aren't that great.
Movement: There were two times that Mark had his hand on my belly and he thought he felt something, which could be anything really, but I didn't notice my tummy gurgling or anything so who knows. Then the other day in the bath I felt something in my lower right abdomen which was probably just stretching but it didn't feel like anything I'd felt before. Although if it was the baby, I probably would have felt it again by now.
Food cravings: Nothing really
Food aversions: Well it's been a while but Roast really got to me for a while there, I'm still scared to walk into a house where it's been cooked and pizza I was having issues with, whether or not they are still there I'm not sure but pizza really doesn't interest me at the moment anyway.
Gender: No idea, Mark thinks it's a girl, my mother in law thinks it's a boy, my friend from work thinks it's a boy and she tends to have really good intuition. So we'll see.
Labour signs: Nope!
Symptoms: Nothing really, I've had a little bit of lower back pain the last couple days but I think it might have been from this one exercise I did because I did feel it in my lower back a little bit. So I'm just going to try and be careful and rest my back and make sure I don't strain it any more.
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time: I think I'm usually pretty happy most of the time. If I don't get enough sleep I can get kind of cranky and I'm more likely to cry at things that aren't really cry-able. But for the most part I'd say happy and feeling good. Aside from those two weeks when I couldn't sleep I'm really enjoying being pregnant so far.
Looking forward to: My ultrasound on June 11! Can't wait to see the Little Shipp and find out whether we are having a boy or a girl!